Session instructions
Instructions for chairs and speakers
Chair of symposia
Prior to the congress
- Ensure that presenters are aware of the symposium structure and the time they have to present.
Prior to the session
- Make sure that the presenters visit the speaker preview centre located in the foyer of Aula Medica, floor 2, to upload all presentations within your symposium, at least two hours before your sessions start, preferably earlier if possible.
- Make sure that the presenters’ PowerPoint presentations are in the format 16:9. Films should have the format 1920×1080. We advise you to prepare the PowerPoint in Windows, not Mac and to use a memory stick for the upload. If the presentation contains movies or fonts, which are not standard fonts, please inform the technician in the speaker preview centre. YouTube links should not be embedded in the presentation but as separate videos. Name your presentation files as follows: Day of the presentation, Name of the lecture hall, Start of the session and Name of the presenter: e.g. “Wed_Andreas Vesalius_15.00_Smith_Allison”.
Opening hours for the speaker preview centre:
- Wednesday 12 June 08:00-17:00
- Thursday 13 June 08:00-16:00
- Friday 14 June 08:00-14:00
During the session
- Come to your designated room 20 minutes before the scheduled start and meet up with a Congress Ambassador.
- Together with the Congress Ambassador, make sure that all presentations are uploaded and accessible on the PC belonging to the room. If technical issues arise, the Congress Ambassador will seek assistance from the technicians who will be working with us throughout the congress.
- It is your responsibility to keep track of the time and questions. You are also expected to moderate and dynamise the session. Make sure to leave enough time for the Q&A part at the end.
- Please encourage the audience to stand up and move their bodies a couple of seconds after two or three presentations to keep the energy in the room.
Chair of oral session
- Come to your designated room 20 minutes before the scheduled start and meet up with a Congress Ambassador.
- Together with the Congress Ambassador, make sure that all presentations are uploaded and accessible on the PC belonging to the room. If technical issues arise, the Congress Ambassador will seek assistance from the technicians who will be working with us throughout the congress.
- Welcome all speakers and audience to the session.
- You are expected to moderate and dynamise the session. For example, make sure to introduce each speaker. We also encourage you to prepare at least one question for the Q&A following each oral presentation. Ambassadors will assist you handing out the microphones during the Q&A.
- It is also your responsibility to keep track of the time and questions. Each speaker should be allotted 13 minutes for their presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A. It is of adamant importance that you keep these time-limits so that the session is finished within the assigned time slot.
- Please encourage the audience to stand up and move their bodies a couple of seconds after two or three presentations to keep the energy in the room.
Oral presenter
Prior to the session
- Strive for a well-structured presentation and a communicative performance.
Prior to the session
- Visit the speaker preview centre located in the foyer of Aula Medica, floor 2, to upload your presentation, at least 2 hours before your sessions start, preferably earlier if possible.
- Make sure that the presenters’ PowerPoint presentations are in the format 16:9. Films should have the format 1920×1080. We advise you to prepare the PowerPoint in Windows, not Mac and to use a memory stick for the upload. If the presentation contains movies or fonts, which are not standard fonts, please inform the technician in the speaker preview centre. YouTube links should not be embedded in the presentation but as separate videos. Name your presentation files as follows: Day of the presentation, Name of the lecture hall, Start of the session and Name of the presenter: e.g. “Wed_Andreas Vesalius_15.00_Smith_Allison”.
Opening hours for the speaker preview centre:
- Wednesday 12 June 08:00-17:00
- Thursday 13 June 08:00-16:00
- Friday 14 June 08:00-14:00
During the session
- Come to your designated room 20 minutes before the scheduled start and meet up with the session moderator. He/she will make sure that your presentation is accessible on the PC belonging to the room, given that you have uploaded it beforehand.
- Make sure to respect the time allotted for your presentation and enjoy the Q&A interactions!
Chair of poster tours
- Be by your poster 10 minutes before the poster tour starts. All speakers within this tour will be asked to meet by your poster.
- Welcome all poster presenters and audience to the tour.
- Make sure that the poster presentations follow the order of the congress program as much as possible.
- Each speaker should be allotted 3 minutes for their presentation (elevator pitch) and 2 minutes for Q&A. It is of adamant importance that you keep these time-limits so that the session is finished within the assigned time slot.
Poster presenter
Prior to the congress
- Strive for a well-structured elevator pitch and a communicative performance. Remember to respect the three-minute time slot.
- Poster presenters are expected to print their posters before arrival. If you need to print your poster in Stockholm, please find information on the congress website. There you can also read more about the poster elaboration guidelines:
Prior to the poster tour
- Poster tours taking place on Wednesday, 12 June are expected to set up their posters in the poster area the same day between 08:30-11:15 and remove them at 19:00.
- Poster tours taking place on Thursday, 13 June are expected to set up their posters in the poster area the same day between 08:30-10:00 and remove them at 17.30.
- Poster tours taking place on Friday, 14 June are expected to set up their posters in the poster area the same day between 08:30-10:30 and remove them at 16.00.
- Posters that have not been removed on time, will be taken down and discarded.
During the poster tour
- Come to your poster tour 10 minutes before the scheduled start and meet up with the tour chair. In the program, you will be able to see who is the chair of your tour and you are expected to stand by his/her poster when the tour begins.
- Be respectful of your poster-tour colleagues by staying for the entire tour.
- Make sure to respect the time allotted for your presentation and enjoy the Q&A interactions!
- Be aware that, during the closing ceremony, a total of eight prizes will be delivered (four in social sciences, four in medical sciences) to the best poster presentations, based on both abstract scoring as well as poster display (design, readability, creativity, etc.). At least half of the prizes will be handed to PhD students. Go for it!
- You are encouraged to stand by your poster during coffee breaks and lunch to maximize potential interactions.

Contact us
Congress Secretariat: Academic Conferences
Support abstract questions
Phone +46 18 67 10 34 or +46 18 67 10 03
Important dates
2 October 2023 - Abstract submission and registration open
29 November 2023 - Deadline abstracts for symposia
15 January 2024 - Notification for accepted symposia
25 January 2024 - Deadline oral presentations and posters
26 February 2024 - Notification for accepted oral and poster presentation
26 February 2024 - Deadline for submission of individual abstracts within accepted symposia
8 March 2024 - End of Early Bird registration
15 May 2024 - Deadline to register with an accepted presentation
12-14 June 2024 Congress dates