Poster prize winners

Out of the over 400 poster presenters at the 27th NKG, the following eight stood out for their scientific quality as well as the presentation of their work in terms of design/layout, structure and creativity.

Medical sciences

  • Benedicte Huseby Bøhn – Norwegian National Center for Ageing and Health
  • Linda Sandberg– Karolinska Institutet
  • Kristina Dalin Eriksson – Karolinska Institutet
  • Madeleine Åkerman – Karolinska Institutet

Social sciences

  • Bettina Meinow – Stockholm Gerontology Research Center
  • Daniela Koios – Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin
  • Hanna Varjakoski – University of Eastern Finland
  • Jerry Norlin – Dalarna University

The poster prize winners will receive 2500 SEK each. Moreover, the recipients in the medical sciences category will receive a free subscription to Aging Clinical and Experimental Research (ACER) and a digital book from Springer.

Congratulations to all on this remarkable accomplishment!

NKG 2024 - showing various meeting locations

Contact us

Congress Secretariat: Academic Conferences

Support abstract questions

Phone +46 18 67 10 34 or +46 18 67 10 03

Important dates

2 October 2023 - Abstract submission and registration open

29 November 2023 - Deadline abstracts for symposia

15 January 2024 - Notification for accepted symposia

25 January 2024 - Deadline oral presentations and posters

26 February 2024 - Notification for accepted oral and poster presentation

26 February 2024 - Deadline for submission of individual abstracts within accepted symposia

8 March 2024 - End of Early Bird registration

15 May 2024 - Deadline to register with an accepted presentation

12-14 June 2024 Congress dates

